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Catherine Wasik



There are several theories about where corona virus has stemmed from, and I’m not totally sure we have definitive evidence for any one of the theories! Coronavirus has been here before, but covid-19 is a new and unknown strain of the virus and day-by-day we are learning more about how the virus operates once inside the human body. It is relatively well recognised that the virus can be transmitted in water particles breathed out/ sneezed out of the human body, this is thought to be the most transmittable mode. Once these particles are on the body (particularly the hands) anything that the body comes into physical contact with can potentially allow transfer the virus particles onto the surface at which point it can continue to live for variable amounts of time depending on fabric of the surface. It’s thought to live on metals for approx. 9 days and such as cardboard and paper for approx.. 2-3 hours, however there is lots of information out there that differs widely!

Bristol university are currently researching the virus to understand more about the virus, how it works and the symptoms it can cause, and therefore how to treat/vaccinate against it.

So how does the virus work The current knowledge is that the virus has a crown of proteins on the surface layer of the virus cell. It is these proteins that lock into the receptor sites on the cell and cause the virus DNA/RNA to enter the cell and start to tell the human cell how to make more of the virus proteins, therefore allowing the virus to increase its activity in the body. It is thought that there is an exchange causing red blood cells to release the iron they carry into the blood stream therefore severely limiting the oxygen carrying capacity of the cells and inflammatory responses cause changes body wide, but particularly obvious in the respiratory system in the alveoli, where gaseous exchange takes place and allows us to breathe. Common symptoms of Covid-19Less common symptoms of Covid-19Serious symptoms of Covid-19

Common symptoms of Covid-19

Less common symptoms of Covid-19

Serious symptoms of Covid-19

Other/new symptoms of Covid-19

  • ​Fever 83%-99%

  • Cough 59%-82%

  • Fatigue 44%-70%

  • Lack of appetite 40%-84%

  • Shortness of breath 31%-40%

  • Mucus/phlegm 28%-33%

  • Body aches 11%-35%

  • ​Sore throat

  • Headaches

  • Chills

  • Stuffy nose

  • Nausea or vomiting

  • Diarrhoea

  • ​Trouble breathing

  • Constant pain or pressure in your chest

  • Bluish lips or face

  • Sudden confusion

Small red, flat, non-itchy, spots on feet, toes and possibly torso.

Is there anyway of helping ourselves and preventing the virus and its impact on us. So we all know about social distancing and washing our hands and these of course are two very key things we can do it prevent coming into contact with the virus. Cleaning jars and bottles as they are brought into the house. Good hygiene at home cleaning surfaces, particularly door handles and light switches (we tend to forget about these but are probably one of the most touch areas in the house) with soap and hot water wiping in one direction and not back and forth. Clean clothes with a bleach solution after use.

But what else can we do Vitamin C. Our diets are very important to keep us healthy and our immune system strong. Beca

use of how Vitamin C works in the body. It is thought that good levels of vegetables and fruits, particularly those loaded with the anti-oxidents, such as Vitamin C can aid in preventing the virus becoming aggressive in the body. The Department of Critical Care Medicine at Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University recently registered a phase 2 clinical trial on to test the efficacy of vitamin C infusions for the treatment of severe acute respiratory infection(SARI) associated with the novel coronavirus. The study description notes that vitamin C is an antioxidant that may help prevent cytokine-induced (inflammation related) damage to the lung. Vitamin D has also been suggested as a good way of minimising the effect of the virus. Vitamin D is necessary for the proper functioning of your immune system, which is your body’s first line of defense against infection and disease. It has both anti-inflammatory and immunoregulatory properties and is crucial for the activation of immune system defences, by enhancing the activity of T-cells and macrophages against pathogens. Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to decreased lung function, which may affect your body’s ability to fight respiratory infections. Exercise – also has an activating effect of our immune function. During exercise chemicals called endorphins are released to promote a mental ‘feel good’ factor and therefore during this time when we are self isolating, maybe out of work, or even in work, working harder than ever. Exercise remains a strong key to maintaining good physical and mental health.

Herbal thoughts So there are many herbs which have a effect on the immune function and specifically on our organ function. Echinacea this is a renowned herb which activates elements of the immune system. For me this herb should be used as a preventative in this situation helping to prime the immune system to help our body ward off any virus it comes into contact with. Elderberry This herb is very high in vitamin C content. It has activate anti-viral activity. Garlic This plant has reputed expectorant, rubefacient, antibacterial, antiviral and antibiotic. It is useful for coughs and colds of either viral or bacterial nature. It is ideal to incorporate into foods. If you crush garlic it lets off it very pungent compounds, therefore if you want to incorporate garlic into your food with less of the smell chop it into small pieces rather than crushing in a garlic press. There are many herbs that can be useful in respiratory infections including Icelandic Moss (chondrus crispus), Lungwort (pulmonaria officinalis), Blueberry (vaccinium mytillis), Licorice (glychyrriz glaba).


Contact details: for more information and advice Catherine Wasik BSc Hons Ost; BSc Hons MNIMHRegistered Osteopath and Medical Herbalist With acupuncture training and rehabilitation pilates instructor training At George Morris Physiotherapy Clinics in Hindley, Ashton and Leigh Direct line: 07828261152 email: Website: Herbal Osteopathic Life

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