Volume 1 / Issue 1
So let’s kick off with our winter nemesis, those irritating and even miserable, coughs and colds. Every year a large majority of people seem to fall prey to a cough or cold, which for some can become flu and if you are really unlucky, the extreme condition of pneumonia.
So why does it get us every year????
Coughs and colds are commonly caused by a viral infection and less commonly caused by a bacterial infection, both of which have the ability to mutate therefore being able to get round the defenses that our immune system develops following each infection. Our headline stories will look at some foods and herbs useful to aid prevention and support our immune system in the fight against colds.
It has a multitude of actions including: stimulant, diuretic, expectorant, rubefacient, antibacterial, antiviral and antibiotic. It is useful for coughs and colds of either viral or bacterial nature. Amongst the other reported uses for garlic are: fungal infections and digestive tract worms. There is also a large body of research into cancer and its useful effects for cancer sufferers.
Records indicate that garlic was in use when the Giza pyramids were built, about five thousand years ago.
How to use it
It can be eaten raw but it is incredibly hot and pungent and thus doesn’t leave your breath smelling minty fresh!!!! If minced in a regular garlic press the heat of the plant is intensified, due to the interaction of various chemicals in the garlic bulb. Therefore to add a reasonable amount of garlic to your food and maintain a reasonable amount of its active properties it is suggested that you chop your garlic.
Contact details: for more information and advice: Catherine Wasik BSc Hons Ost; BSc Hons MNIMH Registered Osteopath and Medical Herbalist, With acupuncture training and rehabilitation pilates instructor training At George Morris Physiotherapy Clinics in Hindley and Ashton Direct line: 07828261152; email: catherine.w12@hotmail.com; Website: www.herbalosteopathiclife.com Herbal Osteopathic Life